Radius Dent

Root planning and scaling / tooth

150 RON

Polymerizable photo composite periodontal immobilization – 8 teeth

650 RON

Fiberglass periodontal immobilization

650 RON

Gingival reconstruction (gingivectomy + gingivoplasty / tooth)

250 RON

Open-field tooth / teeth curettage

250 RON

Application of TM antibiotic paste / tooth

150 RON

Laser therapy for the sterilization of periodontal pockets (1-4 teeth) / tooth

250 RON

Laser therapy for the sterilization of periodontal pockets (>4 teeth) / tooth

200 RON

Diode / session

70 RON

Initial periodontal therapy (includes root curettage, antibiotic and laser detoxification) (DURATION: 1 h - 2h)

1500 RON

Secondary laser therapy (includes root curettage, laser)

1000 RON

Tertiary laser therapy (includes laser curettage)

1000 RON

Gum graft (1-3) teeth

1500 RON

Gum graft (3-7 teeth)

2500 RON